WSCXVI BAREGA SAXOPHONE QUARTET Tower of the winds by Andrews Ball

Barega Saxophone Quartet
(17:00, Saturday 14 July, All Saints)
Emma Di Marco — Soprano Saxophone; Sarah Henderson — Alto Saxophone
Andrew Ball — Tenor Saxophone; Samantha Mason — Baritone Saxophone
The Barega Saxophone Quartet was formed in 2007 and is fast becoming one of Australia’s premier single reed ensembles, performing at a variety of venues across the country. The group enjoys a versatile and wide-ranging programme of music from French and classical repertoire to minimalism and contemporary works in addition to specializing in compositions of a crossover classical/jazz nature. A primary goal of the BSQ is to perform and promote original repertoire and Australian works; they have recently premiered new music composed by Louise Denson, Andrew Ball and Michael Bakrnchev at the Crossbows Festival, Brisbane 2012, and Australian Clarinet and Saxophone Festival, Melbourne, July 2011. Recent premiers have included an original collaborative work with internationally acclaimed Australian jazz trio, Trichotomy, and new music with the Khasm Saxophone Quartet (Melbourne, Australia). Barega will be recording at the end of this year, and are planning a tour to the U.S in 2013. Today’s programme demonstrates the ensemble’s goal of playing new Australian music, by presenting three stylistically diverse works from Queensland based composers. Jazz and contemporary classical influences are explored in music that originates directly from Barega’s unique and eclectic cultural backdrop.

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