Meet Pianist and Educator Dave Frank and His New Project, The Dave Frank School of Jazz Online

The Dave Frank School of Jazz Online starts Saturday, August 5 at 2:00 EDT. Participation is free. Open Zoom and go to Meeting Room 5796646371, there is no password.

Dave Frank is one of the busiest solo jazz pianists and music educators on the scene today. He is the author of the best-selling Hal Leonard book and video series, Joy of Improv and Breakthrough to Improv, was an Associate Professor of piano at Berklee College of Music in Boston from 1987-2004, and was a co-founder of the New York School of Jazz (1983-86). In 2004 Dave moved to New York City to direct the Dave Frank School of Jazz in midtown Manhattan. The DFSOJ offers private instruction for aspiring musicians at all levels, as well as frequent concerts/workshops for the general public.

Since 1994, Dave has been traveling worldwide, and to date has presented solo concerts and master classes in Spain, England, Holland, Belgium, Brazil, South Africa, Switzerland, Argentina, Nicaragua, Peru, Costa Rica, France, and throughout the US and Canada. He has been a featured performer and clinician at major jazz festivals worldwide including the 2012 Jazzheads Jazz Festival, the 2010 Jazz Alive Festival, the 2002 North Sea Jazz Festival, the 2001 and 2003 Montreux Jazz Festivals, and the 1999 Winnipeg Jazz Festival.

Dave Frank has been the subject of feature articles in the Boston Globe, Keyboard Magazine, and The Chronicle of Higher Learning. He can be regularly seen on the BET Jazz Network and was recently the featured guest on the NPR radio show Jazz Inspired with Judy Carmichael. To listen to the interview on the Jazz Inspired website click here (mirror).

Dave has four critically acclaimed solo piano CD’s released on the Jazzheads label: Portrait of New York, Turning it Loose!, Ballads and Burners, and Power of the Piano. All are available for purchase or download at

Dave’s teachers include the legendary Lennie Tristano, Charlie Banacos and John Larosa.

#davefrank #jazzpiano #jazzeducation #pianotutorial #improvisation #learnginghowtoimprovise #lennytristano

Posted on 12 de febrero de 2024

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