Do Peacocks Dig Jazz? Denny Zeitlin’s Solo Piano Improvisation on Jimmy Rowles, The Peacocks

Denny Zeitlin writes: Jimmy Rowles’ “The Peacocks” is one of those compositions I had admired from afar, but only happened to listen to up close last month. I learned that Rowles first recorded his ballad in the mid-seventies, notably on “The Peacocks” –a 1975 album of the same name, as a duet with Stan Getz. It soon became a jazz standard, and in 1993, Norma Winstone recorded her lyric version, “A Timeless Place” in an album with Rowles. There are now multiple recordings of this hauntingly mysterious ballad on the internet.

I felt drawn into my studio to explore this piece, and here is the result, with beautiful peacock video provided by Bret Primack.

#dennyzeitlin #jazzpiano #improvization #jimmyrowles #thepeacoks

Posted on 12 de February de 2024

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